I never thought the day would come when I would be sitting in front of my laptop, writing a Happy Birthday post to my business baby. I get the shivers just thinking about it. JC launched her first natural hair event on the 6th of April 2019 and it has since grown into this beautiful, people-filled business, that literally makes my heart smile every time I think about it.

Rewind 4 years… and you are looking at a divorced, single mom, full of debt and with no bright outlook for the future. The influence Robyn Oosthuysen (Robs Oosthuysen Photography) has had on this journey of mine is heartwarming, to say the least. She taught me so much, about being myself, standing up for myself, and using MY voice, in all and every aspect of my life. To her, I will be eternally grateful. She might not know this, but she is part and parcel one of the main reasons I am where I am today.

Mushyness aside, I have worked my arse off to be able to say Happy 4th Birthday Just Chade. Imagine, how many businesses and companieshave had to close down after COVID hit. I was one of the lucky ones who literally just picked up where I left off and carried on.

Here we sit, today:

– We have had 2 successfully launched events

– A fully functional blog/website and online store

– Facebook/ Instagram and Whatsapp pages run woman, alone

– Featured my story in a prominent South African magazine (Kuier, subscribe to Netwerk24 to read e-version)

– Thereafter was approached by RSG radion station to have an interview with THE Amore Bekker. (excerpt of the broadcast can be found on my Facebook page – Chade Danielle Hoffman)

– And we have just launched a clothing line – Warrior Clothing –

I could carry on with the list, but you get the gist.

But, I cannot celebrate this milestone without thanking each and every one of you. Those who have purchased from me, those who have shared, liked, and commented on posts. Someone who has referred me to another. Then there are those of you who have become genuine friends. To you, each and every one of you, I will be eternally grateful. I would love to name you all but the list will be way to long and we would be here all day. You know who you are and will forever have a special place in my heart.

Before I end, someone I have to mention by name, my sister, Shandre Hoffman. My right hand, my babysitter, my financial advisor (cause let’s face it, me and spending money), my midnight brainstorming partner, my absolute heart (2nd heart, we all know Joss is #1) You get my point. She is my biggest fan. And does all she does for me and for the business, kicking and screaming and complaining, but she does it 🙂

I love you

Here’s to 4 more years